Conjuring the Spirits for flute ensemble

Conjuring the Spirits was composed in Cedar Falls, Iowa, in the spring of 1998. The opening music introduces the generative material for both the slow and fast sections of the piece:  a neighbor motive, which is blended with a triplet rhythm, and a melodic figure which first appears in the bass flute.  This melodic figure goes through a series of transformations throughout the piece, and appears in many guises. The poetic image of the title is derived from this notion of transformation, as one could imagine the initial statements of the melody as a type of invocation, while its subsequent transformations demonstrate the response.

University of Northern Iowa, ca. 1993

Conjuring the Spirits was written for the National Flute Association High School Flute Choir and the University of Northern Iowa Flute Choir, Angeleita Floyd, musical director. It was premiered by the National Flute Association High School Flute Choir, Angeleita Floyd, musical director, at the National Flute Association’s 26th Annual Convention in Phoenix, Arizona, 16 August 1998. It was subsequently chosen from an international call for scores as a flute ensemble competition set piece for the Australian Flute Festival held in Melbourne in March of 2002. The winning ensemble in that competition was chosen by Flute Force.

flute ensemble
Date completed:
ca. 6:00

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